
Sacred Heart College to host House Play festival

ROSEBANK - “Drama has transformed this school,” reflected Father Dryden at morning line-up as students announced the upcoming House Play festival.

“There was a time when learners didn’t have the confidence to make announcements up here. Now it’s something we are really good at.”

If the 2014 house plays are anything to go by, Sacred Heart is bursting at the seams with talent and confidence.

Traditionally written and directed by matric drama students, these four plays bring together the performing talents of the high school in two days of original work, to be performed on 27 and 28 February at 6pm.

“You are not the leaders of tomorrow – you are the leaders of today,” said Father Dryden.

This is a line from one of the house plays written by matric students Dheshanth Govender and Keith Wittelson.

It reflects the mood of a new generation of matric students contemplating the prospect of voting in May this year – a mood that is sombre, contemplative and expressed with a characteristic Sacred Heart blend of humour and thoughtfulness.

From xenophobic attacks to class divisions, prison conditions to the nature of God and religion, the themes of this year’s plays are like a barometer reading of the youth of the nation.

With a sharp eye for characterisation, each of the young directors has brought to stage a medley of characters: gogos, street hobos, BEE bling, teenagers, criminals, a gambler with Tourettes Syndrome, and a journalist with a mission.

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