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One Bompas – finally an agreement

DUNKELD - An amicable agreement has been finalised between the two parties involved in the One Bompas Road building controversy.

The two parties, The Craigpark Residents’ Association and the property developer, Stuart Grant, have settled on a conditional agreement that will see the construction of the office complex continue, albeit with some amendments.

Among the terms included in the agreement was that the developer would have to remove the top floor of the building. There would also be no additions to the rooftop or usage of it.

Another term included in the agreement was a solution to the issue of access to the building.

According to the agreement, tenants and sectional title owners would be able to access the building via North Road while visitors would have to use the entrance off Bompas Road.

The developer also consented to leave the remainder of the koppie reserve area and to plant indigenous trees of five to six metres in height along the southern and western boundaries of the building.

On their part, the association agreed to withdraw all appeal applications lodged and to recommend others with similar applications to do the same.

The association said that while they understood that development was inevitable, the city council’s failure to consult with them on the building was a disappointment.

The Bompas office complex sparked an outcry from the association after issues were raised about the size of the building, the impact on traffic congestion and issues around the approval of building plans.

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