Greenside awards pupils for contributions

GREENSIDE - Greenside High School recently awarded four of its most deserving pupils Pro Merito trophies for their significant contribution to the school.

The winners were recognised for their contribution to various fields and not necessarily for their achievements in academics, sport or culture.

Among Grade 8 pupils, Rhea-Vera Hicks beat multiple contenders to receive the award. The pupil made a significant contribution by receiving junior full colours for first aid, half junior colours for drama, and no less than three diplomas at the National Eisteddfod awards.

The winner in the Grade 9 category was Carl Ginster, who has participated in the school’s swimming team for the last two years. The Grade 9 pupil was also a member of the team that represented the school at provincial level at the Smart Young Mindz Technology Challenge.

Shanell Domike was the winner for Grade 10 after she was recognised for excelling in cultural activities and sports. She is also a member of the school’s dance team and won best female dancer at the dance festival last year.

Finally the winner of the Pro Merito award among the Grade 11 class was Suleiman Momoniat. This is the third time the pupil has received the award and he has previously been recognised for his various contributions at the school.

The pupil has contributed significantly in many areas such as in sports, where he received full colours for both swimming and athletics. He was also a member of the drama society from Grade 8 to 10 and participated in various festivals in Grade 11.

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