What SA’s youth think about sex

JOBURG - The Young Africa Live's Youth Sex Poll yielded some interesting results about young South Africans' approach to sex.

The nation’s youth are “switched on” to safer sexual behaviour, are happy to try find love online, but are still influenced by a strong conservative streak.

The poll, now in its third year, was run on a mobile platform in December last year.

“While not a scientific survey, the opinion poll provides a powerful snapshot into important aspects of sexual knowledge and behaviour in the lives of Young Africa Live’s users,” said Gustav Praekelt, founder of the Praekelt Foundation, which launched Young Africa Live in 2009.

The 2013 poll was responded to by 17 713 people, 68.9 percent of whom were female.

In response to a question about concurrent multiple sexual partners, 65.3 percent said they had a single, long-term partner or abstained from sex, while 25 percent said they engaged in multiple concurrent sexual relationships, but always used a condom.

“This understanding of the importance of condoms in safeguarding sexual and individual health was clear in the 39.9 percent of respondents who said they always use a condom, compared to the 11.9 percent who said they never do, as well as the 85.7 percent who believe it is both a man and a woman’s responsibility to carry condoms,” said Praekelt.

45.2 percent said they had only between one and five partners in their lifetime, and 89.4 percent said that HIV/Aids was not a death sentence, but that people could still live long, healthy lives if infected.

56.1 percent of respondents believe that true love can be found online, which came as no surprise to Praekelt.

“A growing streak of liberation engendered by easier access to information was confirmed by the respondent’s… conviction that a hospital circumcision (69.7 percent) is preferable to a traditional one, and that being gay should most definitely not be a crime (83.1 percent),” he said.

Strong conservative values were evident, as 82 percent of respondents agreed with the statement that abortion was murder.

36.9 percent believe that rape was an outcome of men physically dominating others, while 25 percent believed the cause of rape to be women wearing revealing clothing.

The foundation’s strategist, Pippa Yeats said, “The poll is an important tool for us to shape the content and discussions we will create for the platform during the coming year. Our users’ input is at the heart of Young Africa Live.”

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