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#NekNomination comes to Hillbrow

HILLBROW - Patients at the Tswelopele Frail Care Centre in Hillbrow are some of the beneficiaries of the latest social media craze, #NekNomination.

This after Maxi’s, along with Talk Radio 702 presenter Xolani Gwala, chose to use their nomination to make a difference in the community by spending the day with the elderly.

A #NekNomination involves people filming themselves ‘downing’ an alcoholic drink. Before the film is uploaded onto social media platforms, the person participating in the challenge nominates friends to match or outdo them.

The #NekNomination took a charitable turn when a South African man decided he would rather perform a good deed for someone less fortunate instead of ‘downing’ a drink.

The patients at the frail care centre are aged between 40 and 85 and have mental and physical disabilities. They cannot take care of themselves and need to be fed, bathed and dressed by the nursing staff.

2009 Idols finalist Cameron Bruce entertained the patients.

Bronwyn Oliveira, Maxi’s brand manager said, “It is always humbling to help others in need and our #NekNomination gave us the opportunity to give back to the disabled and the aged.”

In ending his #NekNominiation, Xolani Gwala nominated Alex Jay from 94.7 Highveld Stereo to do something good. Gwala gave the station one week to do their part in giving back to a needy community.

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