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SA Chamber of Commerce holds business debate

JOBURG - Political parties converged on 5 February at the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s breakfast to hold a business debate on issues such as unemployment and infrastructure. Presenting the debate were leaders from various political parties such as the Congress of the People (Cope), the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP).

The speakers highlighted economic shortcomings of the ruling party, especially with regards to infrastructure, education and the inability of the economy to absorb job seekers, especially the youth.

“The challenge we are currently facing is one of trying to build a better life for all rather than a select few,” Mosiuoa Lekota of Cope said.

Education was another critical issue raised and one which every speaker criticised as being unable to empower young South Africans and nurture the skilled workers needed to develop the country.

The role played by business owners was also emphasised by the speakers, with IFP leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi calling for better reforms and policies.

“Government has a responsibility to provide the country with what it needs and businesses know those needs best,” he said. The need for transparency and accountability was also stressed during the debate.

Other parties present at the breakfast were the African Christian Democratic Party and the United Democratic Movement. The debate took place at the Johannesburg Country Club in Auckland Park and was chaired by Chose Choeu, former president of the organisation.

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