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Truly unforgettable Israel journey

JOBURG - A total of 25 pupils of Torah Academy, Shaarei Torah, Yeshivat Maharsha and Hirsh Lyons entered into their matric year enriched by their recent travels to Israel.

Rabbi Dovid Hazdan, dean of Torah Academy, said for 11 days the touring party traversed the country. Hazdan said, “They rode camels, donkeys, bicycles and jeeps.” He said the pupils waded through Ezekiel’s 3 000-year-old tunnel, swam in the Dead Sea and sailed on the Kinneret. “They hiked up Masada, walked the alleys of Jerusalem’s Old City and danced with soldiers in the Machaneh Yehuda Market.”

He said the pupils visited the Blind Museum, rejoiced at the Kotel (the Western Wall) on Shabbat and cried at Yad Vashem, memorial to the six million who perished in the Holocaust.

Hazdan said, “They connected to thousands of years of Jewish history and explored their own future opportunities to study in Israel post matric.” He said the pupils visited a variety of yeshivas – Jewish educational institutions that focus on the study of traditional religious texts – of all affiliations and backgrounds.

Hazdan, who also led the tour was particularly moved by the spirit of unity and camaraderie that was so palpable throughout the tour. “All participants expressed gratitude to the Israel Centre in Raedene for a ‘truly unforgettable Israel encounter’.”

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