ORT SA improves maths results

HOUGHTON - ORT SA, an educational NGO has been running mathematics projects in Alexandra primary schools for the past seven years.

CEO of the organisation Ariellah Rosenberg said, “If you take a group of a 100 children who started Grade 1, only 50 of them will reach Grade 12. Out of this 50, only 20 will write maths and only 10 will pass maths with 30 percent and over. So that shows you the enormous need and the enormous gap that we have in this country.”

An external evaluator for the organisation and CEO of E2E People Growth, Dr. Anusha Naidu said, “The schools that are getting the support from ORT SA are improving in the annual national assessment results as well. They’re more positive, they enjoy the interaction, especially with the computer-based teaching. They love it.”

This year, pupils from the 12 participating Alexandra schools showed practical examples of how science and maths can be used in everyday activities. Some pupils built their own radio and microwave ovens.

The organisation currently trains about 560 teachers in the provinces of Gauteng and the Western Cape. This year laptops were handed out to teachers to assist with lessons.

Maths teacher at Iphutheng Primary School, Teboho Matli said, “I’ve become very confident because my learners have achieved well this year, they can even do division mentally without any help from anyone.”

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