Break-ins during the festive season

PARKVIEW - While the festive season was a time to be merry with friends and family, the festivities ended on a bad note for some people after they experienced theft to their personal and business property.

According to Parkview police spokesperson Princess Mudau, one business owner’s property was broken into and some equipment was stolen by the thieves.

She said the owner, whose property is situated in Parkhurst, closed shop for the holidays on 18 December 2013 but when he came in to check that all was in order on 6 January 2014, he discovered that the back door had been slightly damaged and was open.

“Proceeding inside the store the owner discovered that two Dell laptops and computers had been stolen. No arrests have been made in connection to this incident yet,” she added.

Hardly a few days into the new year, another business owner reported a break-in at his property in Parkhurst.

Mudau said the business owner entered his property on 6 January and found the gate had been forced open.

“Upon investigating the reason for the forced entry, the owner found his office in disarray and that some of his items had gone missing,” said Mudau.

“It was discovered that a printer, a Saver harddrive, and a laptop were stolen from his garage. No arrests have been made.”

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