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Local business man awarded

JOBURG - A Mountain View resident had been named Business Person of the Year after successfully growing and managing two diverse businesses.

Antonio Lozzo was awarded at the annual Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries and FNB Business Excellence Awards gala evening held at the Wanderer’s Club in Illovo.

The 37-year-old is a driving force behind two successful companies, Insurance Underwriting Mangers which is a short term insurance company and Meadow Star Investments, a property development company. The companies collectively employ 149 people and have a combined net asset value in excess of R120 million.

The 37-year-old said he felt extremely privileged to receive the award, “I’m very honoured to receive such a prestigious prize,” he said. Lozzo had never received an award of this nature before.

Lozzo started his journey in business from humble and challenging beginnings. At the age of eight his father was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and was confined to a wheel-chair and unable to work eight years later. Lozzo found himself in a position where he had to help support his family.

He started as a pizza man at the age of 15 at an Italian restaurant, at that point his family was struggling and the money he made contributed towards paying off the bond and buying groceries.

In 1993 he enrolled at a hotel school and later established a pizza pasta restaurant in Cresta with his brother and mother. The restaurant was closed down after nine months due to lack of funds, However Lozzo was not ready to give in.

Lozzo started working as an insurance broker, although he started with little knowledge of the industry, Lozzo did well at selling insurance. After several years and acquiring academic qualifications in the industry, he and his brother started a company offering financial services.

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