Best fathers honoured

ALEXANDRA - Fathers were honoured by their children at the Best Fathers' Project on Saturday.

Fathers were honoured by their children at the Best Fathers’ Project held at the Johannesburg Central College’s Alexandra campus.

Themed, Fathers are parents too, the event was aimed at highlighting fathers as role models. The event was organised by Agisanang Domestic Abuse Prevention and Training, an Alexandra-based non-profit organisation.

Young girls between 12 and 16 years old wrote essays on why they thought their fathers were the best. In her essay, one of the winners Mpho Nkwane (14) wrote: “My father is the best father because he always makes me a priority in his life. He has always been a good father and always makes sure that I am happy.”

Nkwane’s dedication to her father, Carlos Lopez made him a very happy man.

“I really didn’t expect this,” said Lopez. “I am very excited and also proud of my daughter. Her mother passed away and I am a single parent so this is extra special. I ask God to give me more strength to be a good father to her.”

Lopez and other fathers who attended the event were also treated to entertainment provided by school children. There were plays and music items and the day ended on a good note from guest speaker Prof. Khalil Osiris.

In his address, the American professor who spent 20 years in prison, spoke about the importance of making the right decisions. “I was in prison long before I was arrested because of my thoughts and values,” he said. He said people needed to free their minds and thoughts so that they could make informed decisions.

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