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Women encouraged to get fit

HILLBROW - As the women’s month winds down, Hillbrow police in partnership with Virgin Active launched a ‘Women’s fitness campaign’.

As Women’s Month winds down, Hillbrow police in partnership with Virgin Active launched a women’s fitness campaign.

Captain Nthabiseng Mogowa said the campaign was about empowering not only Hillbrow policewomen but the whole community. She said the station would host an exercising event for women once every month. “We want to keep our women fit and healthy, we want them to eliminate some of the sicknesses that come with the lack of fitness and exercising such as high blood pressure and diabetes.”

At the launch, Virgin Active and police trainers taught a group of about 40 women about Zumba dance exercise, killer abs and cardio classes. Doctor Sibanda of Virgin Active said South Africa was the highest chicken consumer in the world. He said the country comes second in the world in obesity after the United States – and that was something they wanted to fight.

“We are trying to reach out to women about their fitness levels. We are here to challenge women to burn fat in their bodies. We also thought it was a good opportunity to keep our police fit. Sibanda added that they had state-of-the art machinery to achieve their goals.

One of the community members, Patricia Alarm, said she appreciated the initiative as it would help her to keep her body healthy. The 81-year-old grandmother said she would frequent the gym.

“I can feel the difference already: before I came here I could not bend my knees but now I can. I will come here frequently.” She said her doctor had been encouraging her to exercise regularly and she would follow the doctor’s orders with the help of the women’s fitness campaign.

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