What the Artist’s Club loves

JOBURG - Artist's Club, Jozi's latest group exhibition, What I Love, was opened with wine, song and dance at Parkhurst's Gallery on 6th.

The event included a penetrating talk by leading sculptor Angus Taylor.

Musician Kathy Raven and dancer Janet Froman highlighted the gallery’s commitment to art that goes beyond the realm of visual art, and provided a feast for the senses.

Speaking about Juanita Frier’s artwork Rocking with the King, the gallery’s Lionel Murcott said she had put together a collage of magazine photograph elements into an image “both playful and disturbing”.

“In fellow Expressionist Margo Schopf’s To Sleep, Perchance to Dream, the pale head, resting on the red ochre body of earth, is steeped in wordless pain. And yet the work is made up of subtle and beautiful paint surfaces,” he said.

Another Artist’s Club, Jozi member, Sue Rankin, sculpted archetypal, mythical images.

“The figures of Angel of the Moon and Angel of the Sun have rich surfaces with evocative, shifting shapes on the moon angel, and crusty gold spikes on the sun angel,” he said.

Artist Shani Waldbaum’s works on exhibition displayed wonderful contrast.

“Waldbaum used pop-type repetitions and variations in flat, intense colour, as in Eyeballing Dali. Note also her two charcoal drawings of a nude young woman painting,” said Murcott.

For this show, Conrad Botes worked mainly in black and white, and applied the paint in dots, as in Pavarotti in half tomes or Nelson Mandela in the History of Africa paintings.

“From close up, the viewer is only aware of a kind of reckless, muscular pointillism. Step well back, and the image focuses,” he said.

What I Love is at Gallery on 6th, 28 6th Street, Parkhurst, until 30 August.

Details: 076-513-4589.

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