69th anniversary of Warsaw Flights

BIRDHAVEN - Johannesburg's Polish community will commemorate the 69th anniversary of the heroic Warsaw Flights with a service and reception.

The flights were carried out by 31 and 34 Squadrons of the South African Air Force to bring relief to Warsaw, besieged by the Nazis during the Warsaw Uprising of August 1944.

Adolf Hitler took the Polish capital four years before, but as the tide turned and the allies made considerable advances, the Polish Home Army felt the time was right to make a stand against the German forces.

The Polish army’s attempt was a failure, and the city was systematically destroyed.

Commemoration organiser Jean Urry said the flights to airdrop ammunition and other supplies were labelled “suicide missions”.

“They were extremely dangerous, and few came back. The South African airmen who lost their lives during this tragedy of World War II are remembered every year by the Polish community of Johannesburg,” she said.

The commemoration will take place on 7 September, beginning with a religious service at the Katyn Memorial at James and Ethel Gray Park, Birdhaven, at 11am. A reception will be held at the Museum of Military History, Erlswold Way, Saxonwold.

The event will be webcast live.

Details: 011-440-4184; jeanu@global.co.za; www.polonia.co.za/warsawflights

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