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Moms celebrated at Joburg Zoo’s Mother’s Day Concert

SAXONWOLD – Moms were treated to a day of entertainment at the Mother's Day Concert at Johannesburg Zoo.

Moms of all ages enjoyed a fabulous day of entertainment with their children at the Mother’s Day Concert at the Joburg Zoo on 12 May.

Artists including Msaki, GoodLuck and Mafikizolo got moms dancing to the beat while they enjoyed a picnic lunch. Journalist Sarah Koning was there to capture all the action…

Russell and Tarryn Willis relax together at the Zoo. Photo: Sarah Koning


Grandmother Megan Lee, mother Teresa Dirsuweit and son Liam Dirsuweit enjoy their time together. Photo: Sarah Koning


Nozuko Ncayiyane and Philisiwe Ntintili dance together to the music of GoodLuck. Photo: Sarah Koning


Mabatho Sithole and Dudu Mafokosho enjoy a day of fun with little ones Oomolemo Menyatso and Lesedi Mafokosho. Photo: Sarah Koning


Young and old enjoy a day out to celebrate moms. Photo: Sarah Koning




Musa Mkaliphi, Akhona Njengane and Noxolo Maqungwana have fun at the Mother’s Day Concert. Photo: Sarah Koning


Milano, Zoe, Ashlin and Felicia van Rooyen enjoy a day out together. Photo: Sarah Koning

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