
Parkview resident betters his community through clean-up initiative

Stuart Norman, with community members, initiated Clean-Up days and raised money.

A passionate and proactive resident of Parkview, Stuart Norman, reflects on his favourite memories in the suburb and stresses the importance of being part of a residents association.

Norman, who has lived in Parkview for 18 years, explained that he enjoyed two aspects of the area.

“We have access to green spaces, namely Zoo Lake, Delta Park, Emmarentia Dam, Johannesburg Zoo, and Alberts Farm, which are perfect for bike rides, walking and running dogs, taking the kids, and attending occasional concerts. Secondly, easy access to our shopping street (Tyrone Avenue), for great meals, coffee, shopping, and community friendships.”

ALSO READ: Zoo Lake receives much needed clean-up

The resident added that he joined the Parkview Residents Association (PRA) after moving to Parkview and initially through the home security provider, Safe Parkview.

“Since becoming an active citizen in the area, I realised that the current membership and fee framework needs to be reviewed. As South Africa struggles to face the challenges presented, Parkview is not immune. We need every resident in Parkview to join the residents association and pay the associated fees so that the association is afforded the financial resources to protect and upgrade our suburb and amenities.”

Parkview resident Stuart Norman stands next to an excavation.

Norman noted that he chose to be involved in the community, especially at Zoo Lake, after he refused  to accept its diabolical state after picnic users had used the facility on weekends.

ALSO READ: Jan Celliers Laerskool brings the community closer through clean-up

“A team and I initiated Clean-Up days, raised money, and secured many community volunteers. In doing so, we create much-needed jobs and engage with the city to motivate and encourage them to do more.”

He added that he joined the Zoo Lake User Committee (ZLUC) and praised Fran Haslam and her team who deserve enormous recognition.

“They have worked and toiled tirelessly for eight years, dealing with matters such as erosion, replanting, fixing broken infrastructure, and engaging with the city. The decline at Zoo Lake was arrested a while ago and things are looking up. Head Horticulturalist at Zoo Lake, Rose Abdullah, also deserves praise, and her team who do incredible work.”

Norman concluded it was quite easy for residents to hide behind their high walls and gates, “Yet, there are approximately 800 households in Parkview and similar numbers in our neighbouring suburbs. We all have to do more for ourselves; the services and resources from the city are, in all probability, decreasing and the onus rests on us as community citizens to look after and protect our community and environment.”

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