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Ofentse Chabe talks about the importance of Smile Day as a quadriplegic

Ofenste Chabe was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and has been a quadriplegic since eight months old.

Diagnosed with cerebral palsy at eight months old and also being a quadriplegic, Ofentse Chabe talked about her challenges and the importance of Casual Day.

Chabe said she had never walked a day in her life. “When I was three or four years old I was diagnosed as a quadriplegic. I’ve been in the wheelchair for as long as I can remember.”

The 19-year-old added that in her spare time, she played boccia three times a week in Parktown with her team. Boccia is a sport played indoors and players throw, kick, or use a ramp to propel a ball to get closest to the jack.

“Boccia is a nice sport that requires a person with dedication, self-discipline, and one who knows how to calculate your moves.”

She said the challenges she faced included not being able to bathe herself, not being able to cook and not being able to go to the mall alone.

Chabe said she was aware of the Casual Day campaign which reminded her of her previous school in Forest Town.

Ofentse Chabe plays boccia. Photo: Asanda Matlhare
Ofentse Chabe plays boccia. Photo: Asanda Matlhare

“We used to celebrate the day and be in our civvies clothes with our stickers and would receive gifts from different organisations on the day. The day always reminds me that being disabled does not define who I am as a person; I am also a human being like the other people on the planet earth.”

Casual Day is the annual fundraising campaign of the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD).

Already launched, the campaign runs until September 1, which is Casual Day. The theme of Casual Day 2023 is #ShareASmile with Persons with Disabilities. “This theme aims to promote kindness, goodwill, and positivity in support of persons with disabilities in South Africa,” said NCPD national director Therina Wentzel.

”In support of Casual Day, individuals and organisations are encouraged to purchase Casual Day stickers [R20 each] and specially branded merchandise before September 1, and to wear them with pride on the day. Visit www.casualday.co.za to find out where purchases can be made, or to order personalised stickers.”

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