
Senior Citizens in Parkhurst feel neglected by the police

75 year old women looking for help from the police

The Parktown Community Policing Forum (CPF) members called a meeting on March 28, inviting senior citizens of Craighall Park, Parktown North, Parkhurst and Dunkeld West to introduce themselves to the police.

The CPF wanted to educate guests on ways to communicate with them immediately in case of an emergency. One of the senior citizens, Nicky Rodgers, had plenty to say after she claimed an emergency reported to the police was not responded to.

She explained that last month her friend, Wimmie Sied, who is 75 and lives alone, was sick in the middle of the night. She arrived to check on her at 22:00, but Sied neither opened the gate nor answered her phone. Rodgers then asked her local security company, Community Action Protection (Cap), for help.

The response officer called the police because he was reluctant to enter private property. Rodgers claimed they waited for 45 minutes, before entering the house on their own, anyway, and then rushing her friend to hospital. At the meeting, Rodgers told the CPF that no police officers ever came to check on her friend.

The Rosebank Killarney Gazette asked Cap for the brave officer’s name, but they are still looking for the incident report. Doctors told them that if Sied hadn’t been assisted in time, it could have been a different story.

Parkview spokesperson Captain Tintswalo Sibeko said they cannot comment on the situation since they deal with different incidents every day and the woman cannot remember the exact date of the incident. The other concern that was raised by Paulette Malcolm is that police come to the meetings like the tea party but do not interact with the community

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