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Safety tips from Parkview Police Station

Follow these safety tips shared by the Parkview Police Station to be safe this holiday season.

Parkview Police Station shares a festive message with all the residents within the Parkview Police precinct.

The Station Commander of SAPS Parkview, Colonel Devan Govender, and spokesperson, Captain Tintswalo Sibeko, thanked all residents within the station’s precinct.

“Thank you to the community policing forum, security companies, and other stakeholders for the contribution they have made towards rendering our precinct a safer place as far as crime is concerned,” Govender said.

He claims that as the holiday season approaches, the Parkview SAPS will conduct disruptive operations and awareness campaigns within the precinct.

Govender further urged everyone in the precinct to get involved in crime-fighting initiatives, including involvement with the community policing forum.

Parkview SAPS shared safer holiday season tips with all their residents within the Parkview policing precinct, particularly when residents are away:

  • Residents are urged to make sure that they do not leave the house unattended this could be done by asking neighbours or a relative to keep a watchful eye over it.
  • Stop all the deliveries of daily and weekly newspapers. Get a neighbour to clear your mailbox.
  • Give thought to whom you should leave your contact details with while you are away. Ensure that all doors and windows are properly closed when leaving the house and at night when going to sleep.
  • Residents should make sure all panic buttons are in working order and activate it in emergencies so police and security can react quickly. Always be on the lookout for suspicious persons and vehicles.
  • Do not open gates and doors for strangers.
  • Verify the details of anyone before you employ them and check the authenticity of a contractor before you allow access to the premises.
  • While driving keep checking your rearview mirror. If you sense you are being followed, circle the block. If your follower persists, drive to the nearest police station or phone for help.
  • Keep doors locked and windows closed at intersections. Don’t open them to beggars or hawkers. Keep cell phones, valuables, handbags, laptops, and briefcases out of sight at all times.
  • When approaching home make sure there are no suspicious loiterers or vehicles near your gate. If there are, drive past and circle the block until you are satisfied it is safe to open your gates or contact the police. Once in, close your gates immediately.

ALSO READ: Parkview Police Station Commander calls for reservists to join

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