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Performer from theatre in Parktown shares her journey

The journey hasn’t been easy for a thespian who performs at the National Children’s Theatre.

With a love of theatre since childhood, a thespian at the National Children’s Theatre in Parktown shared how much her career had grown. Thandeka Shangase who was born and raised in KwaZulu-Natal said she fell in love with the idea of telling stories and started doing professional theatre in 2005.

“High school and varsity built the love [of acting] accompanied by quite a few theatre shows. While in varsity, I went to Germany to represent Africa in the Shakespeare Festival which was one of my first accomplishments,” she said.

“After graduating, I came to Joburg in 2016 and went through a lot of auditions. We had been told by our then head of department, Professor Deborah Arlene Lütge that theatre was not child’s play. Because of my love for arts, I soldiered on regardless of sometimes going months or even a year without employment. The passion, love and respect pushed me.”

She added she learned a lot from Lütge and currently used much of this knowledge in her performances. She also extended her gratitude to ‘an amazing friend’ Nqobile Mhlongo who helped her with everything when she moved to Johannesburg and encouraged her to go for auditions.

Theatre performer Thandeka Shangase aspires to be associated with greatness. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Through her journey in pursuit of being booked as an actor, Shangase tried two agents and things began to get better with the second one. “At this time, I had a more polished profile and it had become easier to get bookings. Earlier this year, I got a casting to do Innocence Lost with National Children’s Theatre [NCT] with my lovely director Ntambo Rapatla who is also currently the director for Hope the Rhino [in which Shangase plays Hope’s mother].”

“I relate to the role because I am a parent and I am always open to learning new stuff because I believe you learn till you die. I knew the basic, minimal things about rhinos but in the two weeks of the production I have learnt so much more.”

Thespian Thandeka Shangase acknowledges her former head of department at varsity for the skills she taught her. Photo: Naidine Sibanda

Shangase said her growth as an actor with NCT had been amazing and it was home before anything else because she was workings with family. She aspires to be associated with greatness and would like to be a living legend.

Hope the Rhino showcases at the NCT’s Outdoor Imagination Theatre until October 2.

Details: Tickets for Hope the Rhino can be purchased on www.quicket.co.za


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