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Continue the revitalisation of this green lung

Truckloads of soil, compost, stakes, logs, gabions, water-wise plants and hessian were donated and installed on various community action days to bring back the natural balance and upgrade the monoculture that existed.

The Zoo Lake Users Committee (ZLUC) has seen a drastic improvement in the ‘green lung’ of Johannesburg after launching a number of projects to revitalise the space over the past eight years.

Chairperson of the committee Fran Haslam said she felt motivated to improve the situation at Zoo Lake after visiting the park in 2013 and feeling upset and despondent about how the area had decayed over the years.

The committee has seen the completion of several projects over the years including the successful installation of eco-fencing, a waste management system, the introduction of MyRun on a Sunday morning, the refurbishment of basketball courts thanks to Nike and Hennessy, repaving around the benches on the east and west sides of the lake, installation of heritage signs, an upgrade to the sprinkler irrigation system and the development of a good working relationship with the City, Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo, SAPS, CPF, JMPD and various residents associations which support the park.

Surely the most profound project has been the erosion project. The project was necessitated after Haslam noticed the eroded, decayed and desert-like state around the lake.

The committee presented a sustainable solution to the City which was eventually approved and has brought about a drastic improvement to the space.

Chairperson of the Zoo Lake Users Group Fran Haslam stands beside a recently revitalised section of the park. Photo: Sarah Koning

Truckloads of soil, compost, stakes, logs, gabions, water-wise plants and hessian were donated and installed on various community action days to bring back the natural balance and upgrade the monoculture that existed.

The west and east sides of the lake have been completed while the flowerbeds on the north side and entrance to the lake as well as the boathouse have also been revitalised.

“Walking around the lake is now an uplifting experience when one sees all the new plants, new paving and the new eco-fencing.

“We have now created an oasis for everyone to enjoy, relax and unwind.”

Haslam said she feels uplifted knowing what a small group of like-minded people has achieved.

“Success breeds success. As the community and residents see what we are achieving, it motivates them to assist and donate. We feel we have made a huge difference in revitalising a much-needed green open space. All our projects are sustainable and we hope will add value to Zoo Lake for years to come.”

“We believe that a well-functioning public park builds bridges between communities and serves to enhance our democracy.”

To donate and assist at Zoo Lake, contact Fran at haslamfran@gmail.com

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