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Motorists robbed of R39 000 after hijacking

LINDEN – After being forced to transfer money, the victim was left in Sandton with his car.

Police are investigating a hijacking which resulted in a man losing almost R40 000 from his bank account.

Linden police are looking to apprehend those involved in a hijacking and robbery which took place on October 8 where a man was hijacked after trying to help a person on the road.

According to the station’s spokesperson Constable Takalani Sibiya, the complainant stopped his vehicle after he approached an intersection where someone was pleading for his assistance. Sibiya explained, “The complainant alleged that he was driving a white Honda Jazz when a male stopped him claiming that his friend was sick. The alleged friend was lying on the pavement nearby and when he exited his car to see if he could help, two other men come out of nowhere.”

The two suspects had knives in their hands and ordered the complainant to get into the backseat of his car.

He was allegedly driven to Alexandra where they parked his vehicle, and taken into a house where his cellphone banking applications were accessed. “The complainant was allegedly ordered to transfer money to the tune of R39 000 to an unknown account.”

Soon after, the victim was driven and left in Sandton with his car. Sibiya added that the complainant was able to identify the suspects and location he was taken to. The matter is being investigated.

Police are also pleading with the public not to fall victim to such scams as it is one of the new methods being used by criminals to rob and hijack people.

They offered the following safety tips to help mitigate the chances of such happening:

  • Be familiar with your environment and keep alert to anything around you that is out of the ordinary
  • Most cars lock automatically but double-check your car by trying to open it by hand to see if its locked
  • In the traffic, try to stop few metres from the car in front of you to have a space for a quick getaway if anything happens
  • If you suspect that you a being followed, accelerate while monitoring the car behind you and look out for a safe place to stop like a police station
  • Keep your valuables out of sight
  • Do not respond to people indicating to you that something is wrong with your car
  • When approaching your driveway, be on the lookout for suspicious cars or people next to your house.

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