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Modesty in fitness

KILLARNEY – Modest beauty and fitness guru Betul Seedat wants to inspire women through fitness.

Change-maker, fitness guru and sports nutritionist Betul Seedat is living her life the best way she can. A Killarney resident Seedat said that through fitness she found her purpose.

Her brand, Betul Fit, was first established in 2019 to help ladies understand that good health comes with well-balanced eating habits and exercise, making room for a healthy lifestyle.

“I began my fitness journey with a passion for changing other people’s lives and putting them in a better frame of mind. Making a good difference in someone’s life truly made me happy.”

Betul Seedat is doing it all in the name of fitness. Photo: Supplied

A trailblazer in the industry, she has just launched her first set of gourmet protein powders in some unique flavours. Jumping on the plant-based train they are all organic, sugar-free, low-carb, halaal and vegan-friendly.

Seedat added that fitness always comes down to three things: good nutrition, a good training regime and good rest.

Being the perfect wife, mom and entrepreneur, Seedat always strives for success. Taking that drive into her work, she inspires many women to do the same.

“I have the most amazing, inspiring clients who support me and motivate me every single day. They truly make me happy when they achieve their goals. We have become a family,” she said.

Her new gourmet protein powders come in great flavours – burfee, coconut laddoo, Lindt and Biscotti. Photo: Supplied

She added that to be fit and have the body you want, one needs to make a connection.

“My biggest fitness rule is to have a connection with your body and mind whilst training. Daily life factors can have a negative impact on this, connecting with your body can help you gain control over it. One thing we don’t want is our thoughts deteriorating our bodies.”

A modest wear enthusiast, she would like to build an empire of strong and confident women.

“As a proud Muslim woman, my plan is to leave a lasting legacy behind and be remembered as an inspiration to many women out there. You don’t need to hide underneath your hijab (scarf) and back off from your dreams. You can be modest and achieve it all.”

After struggling to find modest wear in South Africa, Seedat started her own line of clothing.

“Originally from Turkey, I am familiar with the great quality and styles from there. I know that there are many women who love modest clothing here. My online boutique Betul Fit boutique caters to their needs. I also wanted to make my clients feel special after their weight loss journey with me by shopping there too.”

Always focused, Seedat loves working out at the gym all in her modest attire. Photo: Supplied

On a mission to inspire, Seedat would like the everyday working mom to love herself more through fitness.

“It keeps you sane and allows you to make rational decisions. You need to take time out for yourself and believe me that is the best ME time. The endorphins that get released in your body is responsible for your happy hormones and not only do you feel good but you look good too. It’s definitely worth a try!”

Check out Seedat’s fitness page @betul_fit or visit her website www.betulfit.com to start your journey.

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