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Public school learners invited to learn more about space

SANDTON – Two hundred learners between Grade 9 and 11 will participate in one of a number of day-long workshops between February and March.

The US Consulate General Johannesburg, based in Sandton, is pleased to announce the launch of The Earth We Share (TEWS) – Space Race Programme for learners.

The programme, which operates in partnership with the Dorothy Jemison Foundation for Excellence and the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre, aims to expose Gauteng public school learners to the many career opportunities in space exploration industries. The programme also builds on critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to succeed in all jobs, particularly in the science, technology, engineering and maths (Stem) fields.

Two hundred learners between Grade 9 and 11 will participate in one of a number of day-long workshops between February and March.

Learners will work in teams to develop innovative solutions to challenges relating to space exploration and life on earth. After completing the workshops, 12 learners will be selected to visit the US Space Camp at the Space Rocket Centre in Huntsville, Alabama and tour Washington DC, or tour space-related locations in South Africa, depending on international travel restrictions as a result of Covid-19.

Learners conduct presentations concerning space exploration at a previous TEWS Space Race Camp in the US. Photo: Dorothy Jemison Foundation for Excellence

According to a statement by the US Consulate General Johannesburg, “The TEWS – Space Race Programme seeks to foster both learner and community-wide awareness around the importance of space technologies to daily life on earth through ongoing engagement with the public. It will showcase the United States’ remarkable ongoing leadership in space capabilities and exploration, and South Africa’s significant contributions and bright future in space.

“Learner participants’ knowledge about the many facets of space capabilities and applications will grow through hands-on experiences, discussions and design ideation with professional and pioneers in aerospace, engineering and space sciences.”

To find out more about the programme, visit www.tewssouthafrica.org. Applications from public school learners in Grades 9 to 11 are open until 28 February.

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