
A guitar and good vocals make Zamar an upcoming star

NORWOOD – The young local singer can also play the guitar and sings more than one genre of music.

An upcoming singer from Norwood has been in love with music from a very young age. Zama Khumalo, who goes by the stage name Zamar, said she used to sing in the school choir and at church back home in KwaZulu-Natal.

“When I came to Johannesburg I continued to sing in the school choir and at church. Then out of nowhere, at the age of 15, I wanted a guitar. At church I saw this guy who knew how to play a guitar and I asked him to teach me. He saw the potential in me and said I was a fast learner.”

Zamar shared that the guitar teacher pushed and encouraged her and she would play for her mother at home. Zamar’s mother loved the way she played and motivated her even more which then pushed her to start writing her own songs.

Her guitar teacher unfortunately became sick so she had to continue to teach herself to play.

She said, “I go online to get some lessons on how to play and as I listen to music I get some notes too. I play an acoustic guitar which has six strings and sometimes I play 12. I sing Afro-soul.

“hen I started to record, they introduced me to house music, I didn’t know that I could sing house as well but we did hit it off like a house on fire.”

The 18-year-old singer said events she has performed at was the Art Booth in Edenvale, twice at Blue Nartjie in Norwood where she hosted herself and at The Factory on Grant. She said as a Grade 11 learner she is trying to balance between music and school.

“My mum is giving me a chance because she can see my love for music. At first my father wanted me to only focus on schoolwork but my mother managed to convince him that we can’t be good in everything as singing is where I excel more.

“In the future I would like to pursue music professionally but I would like to have something to fall back on. I model and I would also like to be a lawyer.”

Details: Find Zamar Khumalo on Facebook.

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