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Huggett share valuable information to update residents in Ward 73

JOBURG – Our population should be educated and economically independent, but we are in a situation where people are literally starving.

Councillor Eleanor Huggett writes:

It is a tragedy that so many of our people are still living in such poverty after so many years of democracy and having the largest budget in Africa spent on education.

Our population should be educated and economically independent, but we are in a situation where people are literally starving.

I have been compiling lists of residents in need of food parcels with the help of one of our residents and sending it to Social Development. I did the first delivery of these parcels door to door but have now arranged to have it all delivered to the bowling club opposite the Norwood Police Station where residents can sign for them once delivered. Their names first go on a master list which goes to Social Development where it is checked. Lerato of Social Development then lets me know when she is ready to deliver.

I thereafter, with community leaders, circulate the names of the people on the list and also phone a fair number of them when their package is ready. Please note, only if your name is on the list will you get a food parcel. Everyone has to sign for them and I then return the signed list to Social Development. The lists are numbered and carefully cross-checked by a volunteer in the community so everyone gets their fair share.

A special thanks to Simon Ramara who is overseeing the bowling club food parcel delivery collection. Simon is a community leader and a retired police officer with whom I have worked since first becoming a councillor. And to everyone else assisting who refuses to be named, you have my greatest appreciation.

The food parcels, though generous, consist of vegetables only. There is a further list of supplies that people can apply for but these come from the provincial government and you have to apply for them directly. Many people have applied with absolutely no response. Donations have been given from large organisations overseen by the MMC of Region E but so far Ward 73 has not been included in this.

Therefore, we are planning to set up at the bowling club as a collection point for other essentials. If you can, please donate money into the Lower Houghton Residents Association (LHRA) account. This money will be used to buy what the community members need. All purchases will be witnessed and be fully accounted for by myself with receipts given to the association.

Your assistance would be very much appreciated.

Details: LHRA, Nedbank, current acc no 1916 034543, Branch: Killarney, Branch No: 191605, Reference: LOCKDOWN.

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