
Curro School in Johannesburg aims to advance country’s education

JOHANNESBURG – Their education system equips learners with adequate technology skills.

With the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technology already showing signs of success around the world, South African schools are also tapping into the idea and making education fashionable.

Among the schools that are playing their part is Curro DigiEd School with an education system that equips learners with adequate technical skills.

Based at Jewel City in Johannesburg, this state-of-the-art institution was opened in January with an aim to equip learners with modern education with advanced technology.

According to the executive head of the school Yonela Hoza, their education system is way advance and very interesting and distinguished, claiming that learning and teaching at their institution is unique.

Executive head of Curro DigiEd School in Jewel City in Johannesburg, Yonela Hoza. Photo: Thabo Jobo

The school provides a Caps Curriculum which is in line with the South African education system but theirs is slightly different as their classes are based more on technology, said Hoza.

“This is the very same system used by the Department of Education but we at Curro deliver classes differently and we also have additional subjects such as robotics and coding.

Coding and robotics teacher at Curro DigiEd School Antoni Moolman with some of his learners in the class. Photo: Thabo Jobo

“We offer digital platform as opposed to the usual system where a teacher is standing next to a chalk board and teaching children. Our learners here are taught differently using state-of-the-art computers and scientific equipment. Ours is to prepare children for the future.”

There are about 35 learners currently at the school which was opened on 16 January with only Grade 8 and Hoza explained that they will introduce Grade 9 next year, Grade 10 the following year and so forth.

Una Tshisevhe, Esther Ona and Keneilwe Taylor with their life orientation teacher Natasha Ramavhoya. Photo: Thabo Jobo

According to Hoza, this is a standard procedure as set out by the Department of Education when registering a new and independent school.

Details: Curro DigiEd 087 087 7960.

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