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Mashaba hopes successor continues to support JMPD

JOHANNESBURG – The morale is high in the JMPD because they have political support.

City of Johannesburg outgoing mayor Herman Mashaba has said he hopes his successor will continue to support the Metro police and its initiatives, including the tabling of monthly performance reports.

Mashaba said this during the announcement of the JMPD September performance report at the Council Chamber on 1 November. Mashaba initiated the tabling of the department’s monthly reports which began this year. “I initiated this programme because I believe that if we work in a proactive manner it results to success. The morale is high in the JMPD because they have political support. I really hope that the person who will take over from me will continue with the reports and that they would also be held accountable,” said Mashaba.

Chief of the Metro police David Tembe echoed Mashaba’s sentiments and added that good political support has created an environment for him to lead the department to success. “If I didn’t have the support that I have received from the mayor, I would have left the department long ago. I cannot work in an environment that is not conducive to growth and development. JMPD is what it is today because it had received great leadership support,” added Tembe.

Tembe further said that officers have been given new working conditions that enables them to work four days and take four days off work to rest. He said this has led to better performance which has also resulted to less fatalities on the roads. A decrease of road fatalities was recorded in September. Only one cyclist was killed compared to two in August, nine passengers died compared to 19 in the previous year, 26 pedestrians died compared to 27 in August and 43 crashes were recorded against 52 in August.

“Our officers work better because they spend more time at home resting with their families. It has also reduced the number of accidents caused by officers due to fatigue. Meanwhile, we maintain high visibility 24/7 on our roads and we intend to do that at all times to maintain law and order in the City,” said Tembe.

Drinking under the influence of alcohol continues to rise with 1 033 arrests made in September compared to 1 101 in August. Robbery also recorded an increase with 26 arrests made compared to 13 in August. In the first quarter of this financial year, Metro police recovered 60 firearms, 186 hijacked and stolen vehicles and 839 ammunition.

 What do you think is the crucial support that makes department like JMPD prosper?

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