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Lombardy East residents demand ‘illegal’ food trailer removed

LOMBARDY EAST – GLERA request the authorities to investigate and revoke the permit immediately.

Greater Lombardy East Residents Association (GLERA) is adamant that it wants the food trailer parked in its residential area removed immediately and its permit revoked.

In the email correspondence between City of Johannesburg officials and GLERA, the association claim they were never consulted about the trailer.

Chairperson of the association Abey Mamaregane has sent an email to Roweena Chetty, an administration, planning and law enforcement officer at the City, complaining about the trailer.

In the email, which North Eastern Tribune has seen, Mamaregane said that the association do not approve of the location allocated to the food outlet. Mamaregane said that they find it disturbing and unacceptable that none of the community members were consulted prior to the approval of this location.

He then requested that Chetty’s department reverse the approval of the location and provide the food outlet with a space outside a residential area. Mamaregane said that the owner is also not a resident of Lombardy East, but of Marlboro.

“Our biggest contention is that the owner could come and set up a shop in Lombardy East, especially in a residential area, without first consulting the residents.

“We don’t mind him trading, but not in our residential area – elsewhere.”

The outlet has been granted a permit, apparently issued by the Metro police, giving the owner permission to trade there, but it has no letterhead or stamp to prove its legibility.

Mamaregane said this could actually be a criminal case, as it appears that someone has used official documents fraudulently.

“We will ask JMPD to investigate,” he said.

At the time of going to print, Metro police spokesperson Senior Superintendent Wayne Minnaar could not be reached for comment, as his phone rang but there was no response.

Meanwhile, Chetty said she has forwarded the matter to the chief superintendent in the City to investigate if the permit was issued by the Metro police.

“The trading of the food trailer constitutes a contravention to the City of Johannesburg Land use Scheme and the municipal by-laws, as the mentioned property is not zoned for that purpose.”

Details: abey@lparch.co.za

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