
Police search school after students stab one another

NORWOOD - Norwood Police Officers clamping the use of drugs and carrying of dangerous weapons.

Norwood police officers and the Norwood Community Policing Forum recently raided Highlands North Boys’ High School as part of their schools’ search campaign.

The drug search follows after three boys allegedly stabbed each other in the beginning of March after a fight broke out between a group of boys aged between 16 and 17 years old.

Ward 74 councillor, Jack Cooper condemned the violent act and said, “I condemn violence of any kind, but particularly at schools. We extend our deepest sympathy to the victims and call on authorities to take urgent remedial measure soon.”

Drug searches are common in high schools as police believe the use of drugs at schools contributes to high crime levels, with dagga being the drug of choice among pupils.

Despite not finding any dangerous weapons or drugs at the school, Norwood Police Station’s spokesperson, Nurse Senyane said they were happy with the search and they will continue visiting schools in the area.

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