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Domestics kick it up

SANDRINGHAM - Who thought soccer was just for boys? Well, domestic workers in and around Sandringham kick up a sweat every night from 5.30pm to 7.30pm at the Sandringham Bowling Club.

They call themselves the Sandringham Soccer Club and invite anyone who would like to exercise with them to come along. There are approximately 26 women who gather together and play the beautiful game.

Soccer T-shirts have been donated to the ladies from Spar, Boston Media House, Tropic Juice and Northcliff SoccerClub.

Hilda Hamese told the North Eastern Tribune that this is a great way for all ladies to get together. “We are not only exercising but we are socialising and getting to know how to play soccer properly.”

The women have a coach to help them out, teach them basic skills in soccer and to keep their fitness levels up.

Details: Anyone who would like to join can call Hilda on 077 853 2300.

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