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SHOCKING: Aunt ‘sells’ niece (14) as sex slave

NORWOOD – A teenager escaped from her aunt's home after allegedly being locked up and used as a child prostitute.

A Rustenburg teenager (14) was found by Metro police wondering on the M1 freeway after she escaped from her aunt, who used her in child prostitution, and became a laughing stock to her schoolmates who teased her as a ‘sex worker’.

According to the child, her ordeal started last year after the death of her mother. She then moved to her aunt and said in the fifth day after moving, the (aunt) brought six old men into the house and told her they would sleep with her (girl).

She said her aunt locked her with the men in a bedroom.

She said one of them took down her underwear and forced himself onto her and raped her, breaking her virginity. She alleged that her aunt said nothing.

She said when the man was done, the other five men took turns in having sexual intercourse with her. The girl said a week later her aunt brought a different group of men to have sex with her, and later gave her money to give to her aunt.

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She said the ordeal became a daily trend where men would come to have sex with her for money for her aunt. However she said her aunt refused to give her money for school-related matters and told her that she only knew her as a ‘sex worker’.

The child said she became a laughing stock among her schoolmates, who called her a ‘sex worker.” This week, the teenager decided not to give the money she was paid to her aunt and took a taxi to Johannesburg, although unsure of future plans.

The taxi dropped her in the Johannesburg CBD and she started walking. She met the Metro police who asked her where she was going. The child told the Metro police her story and they took her to Norwood police station.

Norwood police station spokesperson Constable Nonzwakazi Tsoanyane said the case was opened in the station, but later transferred to Rustenburg.

Tsoanyane said, “We want a speedy investigation in this matter. The woman, who sexually exploited the child and all those involved, should be prosecuted, including the men. The child was taken to a place of safety and the Rustenburg police will fetch her to be closer that side.”

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