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BREAKING NEWS: Cat sexually abused by owner

NORWOOD - On its Facebook page, Kitty and Puppy Haven said a man brought a sexually molested cat to the haven, which had to be euthanized.

The post said, “This poor little girl was sexually molested by someone in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg, not in a township or squatter camp, in an affluent area. We do not have the details of who it was as she was dropped off at us this morning and we were given the briefest outline of what she endured.”

Kitty and Puppy Haven said a man arrived at the sanctuary with the cat on the morning of 27 August. “When he handed her over to us, he told us that he had brought her to us for emergency medical treatment. When we questioned him as to what the problem was, he told us that he had taken her away from someone who had sexually molested her,” said the sanctuary.

The man alleged the person who molested the cat was from the Norwood area.

“I pushed for details and the confrontation became very heated and abusive. The man left. The vet then confirmed that the little girl was beyond saving and the kindest thing would be to release her. This is not any easy decision and we do not take it lightly. She was stroked and held in her final moments,” continued the post.

Many people commented on the sanctuary’s Facebook posts with outrage and disgust.

The haven responded, “People are seeing this tragedy as a sexual act.. it is not.. it is an act of violence and is viewed in the same light as any of our other animal abuse cases.”

They also addressed the criticisms of the organisation’s actions in putting the cat down. “We really don’t have the time or energy to deal with the criticisms and judgmental comments when we have over 200 lives at our sanctuary that we need to concentrate on. We try to make a difference and sometimes we cannot do more than we are able to.”

The sanctuary said it was in need of financial and volunteer support to help its animals.

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