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Norwood CPF issues warnings

The Norwood Community Policing Forum has urged residents to be cautious at all times in their homes and on the roads.

The forum’s chairperson, Duncan Barker appealed to members of the community to always be aware of what is going on around them.

He said, “On my walks and runs in our neighbourhood I often pass houses where gates and garages are left open. Criminals will take this chance to enter the property, so people need to be aware.”

Barker encouraged residents to educate their employees to also be aware when doing work in entrances. “There are also people who feel that parking on the street at night with lights on or engaging in a conversation while parked is safe. Just be aware, as doing this at night is risky as you can’t see what is going on,” he said.

He added that people should look out for a white Mercedes Benz that is usually occupied by four black men who are involved in house robberies.

Another car to look out for, according to Barker, is a white Uno which is driven by a white man who specialises in robbing women of their handbags. “He will pretend to be wanting some information and then [when you least expect] grabs the bag and drives off,” said Barker.

He also warned against a silver Audi A3, which is most of the time occupied by three black men who are involved in business robberies.

The forum will, come 25 June, host their Annual General Meeting. Residents are invited to the meeting to hear about the progress made in the community over the past year as well as take a look at the year that lies ahead.

The meeting will take place at Norwood Primary School and will start at 6pm.


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