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Living with HIV

ALEXANDRA - A man that has been living with HIV/Aids for the past 18 years tell his story during World Aids Day at the Alex Clinic.

Alexandra resident Tona Mongake has been living with HIV for almost 18 years.

As the part of Alexandra Clinic’s World Aids Day celebration, Mongake shared her story with attendees. She encouraged them to get tested and to live a healthy lifestyle. “I refuse to give up and throw in the towel,” said Mongake, who lost her mother and sister to the virus.

She encouraged those who had never been tested for HIV to do so and said there were many people who were still misinformed about the virus.

Various speakers addressed the importance of protecting one’s self against the virus and encouraged HIV pregnant mothers to protect their unborn children. Sister Tiny Motale said, “It is sad to see a three-month-old baby living with HIV.”

After the speeches candles were lit to represent light and hope to those living with the virus.

A play was performed by actors about the importance of condom usage and it demonstrated how easily the virus could spread. The audience watched attentively and the message was well-received.

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