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Viral Thursday: Because who is perfect?

JOBURG - A video made by Pro Infirmis, an organisation for the disabled, has gone viral on YouTube.

The video was part of a campaign devised for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and is entitled ‘Because who is perfect? Get closer’.

The campaign is captured in a short film showing how store mannequins are altered to look like a group of individuals suffering from different disabilities including scoliosis or brittle bone disease modelling and sport the latest fashions.

The figures are life-sized, three-dimensional representations of Miss Handicap 2010, Jasmin Rechsteiner; radio presenter and film critic, Alex Oberholzer; track and field athlete, Urs Kolly; blogger, Nadja Schmid; and actor, Erwin Aljukic.

“We often go chasing after ideals instead of accepting life in all its diversity. Pro Infirmis strives for the acceptance of disability and the inclusion of people with disabilities,” says Mark Zumbühl, a member of the Pro Infirmis Executive Board, in describing the campaign.

Although the video was posted on YouTube in 2013, it recently went viral as it was posted again on Facebook.

The video is City Buzz’s pick for Viral Thursday.

View the video below: .



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