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Former model now goes ‘beyond the headline’

ROSEBANK KILLARNEY GAZETTE – Proudly South African mum and powerhouse, Nzinga Quinta, is not holding back in the entertainment industry. A former model and now news anchor at the SABC, Quinta has wanted to say her piece from the tender age of 14.

“At a very young age, I knew that I wanted to have my voice heard more so I went into presenting. After a wobbly start in kids presenting and music television, I found myself more at home doing more serious content and when I got into the news space in 2013 I felt comfortable and happy to be there,” she said.

The Parktown North resident is currently preparing for a TV show and working on her summer body. The media space is where she wants to be, and she said every day was a thrill working for the public broadcaster.

“I am in people’s lounges, offices and pockets, sharing information about what happened and interviewing newsmakers to go beyond the headline. It is an exhilarating job,” she said excitedly.

For her, navigating through the creative world is done by implementing her own order. To stay in the game and remain relevant, she goes by a very important life lesson that motivates her to be the best she can be.

“Keep at it, no matter what. I’ve learnt over the years that being persistent, even when it appears things are not working out, is a great quality to have. Everything works out well in the end,” she said. Born in Australia and having lived in a number of places from Botswana to Cape Town, Quinta feels that she has learned a lot about life while on her journey.

“I had a great childhood where I experienced different sides of life in different countries and parts of South Africa. It has helped me empathise with and understand different kinds of people,” she said. Still on the path of education, Quinta intends on going further, a pilot license and a law degree are on the cards in the near future.

“When I was young I wanted to be a pilot and then a lawyer. I think I’ll get to all of those careers, in some form, eventually,” she said with hope.

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