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Case of intimidation opened at Rosebank Police Station by veteran journalist Karima Brown

ROSEBANK – The South African National Editors Forum has condemned the action by the EFF as an 'abusive, systemic and cruel attack'.


A case of intimidation was opened at the Rosebank Police Station by veteran journalist and editor Karima Brown following a barrage of threats by EFF members.

This was after Brown accidentally sent a message to an EFF WhatsApp group which was meant for a journalist group instead regarding an EFF breakfast with the elderly. Brown said, “Keep an eye out for this. Who are these elders. Are they all male and how are they chosen. Keep watching brief.”

She later deleted the message. EFF leader Julius Malema tweeted a screenshot of this message, including Brown’s contact number.

In a media statement, the South African National Editors Forum (Sanef) condemned the action by EFF members calling it a ‘systemic, abusive and cruel social media attack’. They also stated that EFF supporters called Brown a number of derogatory names, threatening her life and accusing her of sending moles to spy on them.

“We call on the EFF leadership to stop with this vicious attack on the media and allow journalists to do their work without fear and intimidation. The attacks on women in media in particular and the abuse levelled against them are contrary to the spirit of wanting to protect women in a country where violence against women has reached pandemic levels… We call on Julius Malema and the entire EFF leadership to apologise to Karima Brown,” continued the Sanef statement.

They also reminded Malema that when his personal details were published on Twitter, Sanef condemned it, just as they condemn his actions to put out Brown’s telephone number.

Sanef executive director Kate Skinner spoke to the Rosebank Killarney Gazette stating that these unwarranted attacks on Brown are similar to a previous barrage of abusive and dangerous threats by EFF members and its supporters on women journalists, which they brought to the Equity Court late last year.

Spokesperson for the Rosebank Police Station Sergeant Bongi Mdletshe and provincial spokesperson Captain Kay Makhubela confirmed that a case of intimidation was opened at the station on 6 March.


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