
Passionate new member for Ward 117

PARKHURST – The newly elected committee member says his passion is to serve the community.


The vacancy on the Ward 117 committee has finally been filled.

A new committee member was elected at the meeting this month and Ward 117 councillor, Tim Truluck said, “Ward committee members are elected by other residents who are registered to vote in the ward at a public meeting”.

The meeting was facilitated by David Mawelewele from the Speaker’s office and he was accompanied by his colleague Pinky Tladi, an administrator. Mawelewele briefly explained that to be a ward committee member, a person needs to be over 18 and a South African citizen who is registered to vote in the ward.

“Residents should nominate people they feel should be in the committee. In this case, there is one person up for the nomination which means there is no voting required,” he said.

Truluck explained that ward committees were made up of a councillor who chaired the meeting and ten people who were elected from the ward. They would serve until the end of the current five-year term.

Thuso Sithole, Tim Truluck, Pinky Tladi, Christo Marolong (newly elected member) and David Mawelewele make sure all the paperwork is on order. Photo: Naidine Sibanda.

“Ward committees are meant to encourage participation by the community and is an advisory body, meaning that it can make recommendations to municipal council, but does not have the power to make decisions on its own.”

The new committee member, Christo Marolong, born in North West, took to the platform and addressed the members. He gave a summary of his background and stated that he is an entrepreneur who runs a marketing company and he that is also a qualified trainer for young people.

“I recently started health activities and I have sat on the board in Sophiatown. My passion is serving the community and it would be my pleasure to serve this wonderful community.”

One of the ward committee members vouching for him Grace Matoni, said Marolong was always present in all the ward meetings. “He serves as a secretary at the Parkhurst clinic committee,” she said.

The Ward 117 Committee are grateful for the new member to their team. Photo: Naidine Sibanda.

During the meeting members also discussed topics affecting the community, such as the approved budget which the councillor hoped would help the city become functional. The next meeting is scheduled for 31 July at 6.30pm.

Details: Tim Truluck


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