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Rocky Road Runners is ready to rock you

PARKVIEW – Local running club hits the rocky roads for its 42nd year.


Rocky Road Runners is celebrating its 42nd year of keeping Joburgers active.

The running club also known as Rockies, is based at Zoo Lake Sports Club and boasts a proud history on the city streets, including its club time trials which have been held every week since 1984.

“We currently have about 350 members ranging from your general club plodders to serial Comrades runners,” said chairperson Saul Levin.

“In fact, around 100 members take a bus each year to do the Comrades Marathon together. It is always a great vibe.”

Levin described the club as one for everyone, though its elite running section is famous, formerly boasting the likes of Bruce Fordyce and Alan Robb, and now Puleng Maeko, who won the Johnson Crane Hire Marathon in record time in January.

Lucas Rantho is another elite Rockies runner.

The club’s annual big event, the Gerald Fox Memorial Race, saw 6 400 runners hit the streets for 5km, 10km and 21km runs last year.

“We will have more parking come September so we can open it up to about 7 500 runners this time.”

Levin said the benefits of running were not just physical.

“Joburg lifestyles are stressful and running helps you unwind. It is a low-exertion exercise within a short 20 to 30 minute period, where you can enjoy sunshine and nature.”

Levin called running events ‘social gatherings’ where people of different backgrounds can form connections on the road, and be part of a team.

“We try to always get our runners to have individual goals, whether it be to complete a short run or to do a marathon. We give each other advice and help each other achieve our goals.”

Puleng Maeko of Rockies wins the Johnson Crane Hire Marathon in record time of 02:29:16.

He invited anyone interested in running to come through for a time trial on a Saturday morning.

The time trials are 5km and start at 7.30am.

The club will also host a 4km Family Run at Zoo Lake sometime in February. The date is to be confirmed.

Details: Rocky Road Runners 086 107 6259.

Puleng Maeko wins the Johnson Crane Hire Marathon in a record time of 02:29:16.

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