
How to stay in shape with Stacey Holland

JOBURG – If you are still enjoying your holidays, this one is for you ...

Keeping in shape is quite a challenge during the festive season and will continue to be if you are still on holiday.

Television personality and fitness expert, Stacey Holland shared how you can still keep in shape despite the overindulgence over the Christmas period.

“The holiday season is a time that we neglect foods rich in nutrients for those dense in calories which in my opinion is a big mistake,” she said.

“When your body is nutrient deficient it struggles to rev up your metabolism in favour of ensuring other vital functions continue as per normal or close to normal.

“If you plan on indulging, don’t ignore the broccoli and spinach. Fill up on these nutrient-filled foods that will keep you fuller and allow less space for chocolate cake.

“You won’t have to forgo dessert altogether but if you ensure you’re having a good serving of veggies with your meals, you’ll probably enjoy a single slice or less and not gorge on three or four slices.

Also, make sure you get some healthy fats like unsalted but roasted nuts or homemade guacamole.”

She also advised people to stay active. “Unless you are the dedicated type who will keep gyming during this time, don’t stress about it. You can’t outrun or out-train a poor diet so don’t think you can ‘just work it off’. Rather choose to remain active by moving and walking a lot.”

Holland provided the following tips:

  • Every choice you make is an opportunity to be healthier. Whether you choose to park further away in a shopping mall and get more steps in or choose to eat healthier meals throughout the day so that you can indulge at dinner, it is up to you but make sure the bulk of your choices lean toward being healthier
  • Be prepared and know what your vices are. If it is your mom’s trifle pudding then plan healthier meal options. Ask if you can help out with the catering by bringing a few healthy items along
  • Carry healthy snacks with you for when the shopping munchies hit and the food court becomes the easiest solution
  • If it is peer pressure that you struggle with, cheat the system such as ordering soda water with mint and lemon and a touch of cordial to fool people into thinking that you are savouring a mojito or order a gluten-free, sugar-free cake from Urban Angel Cafe in Boskruin or Jackson’s Wholefood Market, and guess whose dessert everyone ends up devouring.
Television personality and fitness expert, Stacey Holland.

How did you keep in shape this festive season? Share your tips with us on our Facebook page!

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