
Police confirm woman’s car stolen while she visits a friend in Parkhurst

PARKHURST – A woman was unlucky to have her car stolen while she was visiting a friend. Police launch an investigation.


Police in Parkview are currently investigating the theft of a motor vehicle after the owner of the vehicle opened a case of theft at the station.

The woman, who was travelling in a blue VW Polo en route to visiting a friend in Parkhurst, told the police that her car was stolen while it was parked along the side of the road.

“The complainant [said] she parked her vehicle on 34 Fourth Street in Parkhurst at about 6.30pm while visiting a friend on 29 December,” said Parkview Police communications officer, Tintswalo Sibeko.

“Later on, at around 8.30pm, she went to [the place] where the vehicle was parked and discovered that it was stolen. A case of theft of a motor vehicle was [opened] at Parkview Police Station and an investigation is currently ongoing. No arrests have been made.”

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