Parkview Police Station commander wishes residents a safe, trouble-free and happy festive season

PARKVIEW – Colonel Theledi Gopane encourages residents to remain vigilant during the festive season.


The Parkview Police Station wishes residents a safe and happy festive season.

The station commander, Colonel Theledi Gopane told the Rosebank Killarney Gazette that the police have begun with their festive season operations around the Parkview policing precinct.

“Police visibility has been increased and the roadblocks and stop-and-search duties is continuing around the area.”

Gopane said he would like to thank the Community Policing Forum, residents’ associations and security companies for partnering with the police in the fight against crime and ensuring that the residents around the Parkview policing precinct are safe.

During the holidays, the police urge residents to be vigilant and not to leave their cars parked on the street, unlocked or unattended, as criminals will use any opportunity to break into or steal a car. Theledi also added that residents must refrain from letting strangers onto their properties.

Gopane added that he would like to wish the community a safe festive season during the holidays and to those residents who will be travelling, may they travel safely and enjoy their holidays.

He concluded that the Parkview police will ensure that the residents within the policing precinct are protected and feel safe at all times.

How will you be keeping safe this festive season? Share your thoughts with us on WhatsApp 079 439 5345.

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