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Old Eds success at Comrades Marathon

JOHANNESBURG – Read up on how Old Eds runners performed at the Comrades Marathon this year.

Twenty-six runners of the Old Edwardian Society lined up at the start of this year’s Comrades Marathon and 20 successfully completed the run.

Seven of the runners participated in the race for the first time and all completed the marathon in under the cut-off time of 12 hours and collected their first medal.

Another member, Mark Visser, was forced to withdraw at about the five-hour mark with an Achilles tendon problem. Visser was well on course to gain a silver medal before injury put an end to his race.

He was expected to be the first Old Eds runner to finish, but that honour went to Nicolas Diana who crossed the line in 09:57:24.

There was also success for the women with Linda Icely finishing 7th in her category in a time of 10:35:12 and Meryl Rahme finishing 147th in her category in 10:47:45.

The Comrades Marathon is known to humble runners and Albert Fayed and Nic Icely missed out on their attempts to complete the race for the 30th and 20th time respectively.

“Josh Apfel and Greg Canning were running in aid of their charities and both finished the course and raised funds for their worthy causes,” said Mike Dunk of Old Eds.

Mark Mohring left himself too much to do in the last two hours of the race and although he finished, he missed the cut-off time.

The Comrades Marathon is an ultra-marathon of about 89km which is run annually in KwaZulu-Natal between the cities of Durban and Pietermaritzburg. It is the world’s largest and oldest ultra-marathon race.

A full list of Old Eds runners who completed the run include:

  • Nicolas Diana 9:57:24
  • Josh Apfel 10:23:08
  • Michael Kelly 10:33:43
  • Linda Icely 10:35:12
  • Judy Maher 10:35:34
  • James Webster 10:37:35
  • Jeandre Fourie 10:37:35
  • Matthew Harris 10:44:50
  • Meryl Rahme 10:47:45
  • Colin Lucas 10:59:43
  • Connor Boyd 11:02:38
  • Robert Boyd 11:02:38
  • Greg Bortz 11:08:04
  • Greg Canning 11:13:29
  • Reg Maher 11:15:33
  • Russell Harris 11:21:05
  • Tristan Fayed 11:30:07
  • Daniel Smit 11:30:07
  • Bridget Hunter 11:50:53
  • Mark Mohring 12:29:35.

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