
Beaten for speaking home language

GREENSIDE - PARKVIEW police are currently investigating a case of assault after a car guard threw bricks at a Greenside resident for speaking his home language, Tumbuka, a Malawian dialect.

The victim, who wished to remain anonymous, explained that a car guard threw the bricks at him because he refused to stop speaking his home language with his cousin, whom he was walking home with at around 8.30pm on 9 June.

The victim said, “I was walking my cousin to the bus stop when the car guard heard us talking and asked us to speak in a language that he understood. I refused as I was not talking to the guard and we continued walking,” he said.

The victim explained that on his way back to his place, the car guard threw a brick at him which hit him on the head.

“The first brick hit me on the head and I fell to the ground. At that point, I had no idea what was going on and tried to get up when the car guard approached me. I pushed him off and tried to run. Then he threw the second brick at me, which hit me on top of my head. I continued running towards my gate, and he hit me again while I was trying to unlock my gate. The third brick hit me on my lip and shoulder,” he said.

The victim explained that he took a shower in an effort to clean himself up, as his shirt was drenched with blood, and then called his employer who assisted him in opening a case of assault at the Parkview Police Station the following day.

Parkview police are still investigating the matter.

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