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Car guard in Greenside chase down Caxton Journalists

GREENSIDE- A car guard in Greenside harassed three young women after he forcefully assisted them and they refused to pay him.

Anna Kamolane, a Caxton journalist decided to find a new parking after her initial parking spot was unsafe.

“I continued to get my car out of the tight spot with assistance from my friend and colleagues, when the car guard butted in,” she said. “He forced himself into the situation as I had more than enough assistance from my two friends.”

After manoeuvring her car, the car guard requested money from Kamolane. This made Kamolane and her friends uneasy.

The car guard followed the car and continued to harass the women when they stopped at a red traffic light. “It was terrifying and we were very scared and rattled,” said Kamolane.

“We know car guards are illegal in Greenside,” said Katherine Fei, a colleague and one of the women involved.

Ward 87 councillor Amanda Forsythe was aware of the illegal car guards and said even though businesses in the area had spoken about the issue, nothing had been done about it.

“We need security guards to put pressure on illegal car guards to move out of Greenside and also to make sure that patrons are not causing trouble,” she said.

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