
Revamping Rosebank Police Station

ROSEBANK - Residents who are familiar with the Rosebank Police Station would have picked up on a noticeable change.

The station renovated its Community Service Centre in September as part of a long-term plan to upgrade the station in gradual phases. Station commander Lieutenant Colonel Logan Govender said that he is planning to implement the refurbishment in phases, considering the limitations imposed by their budget and the high foot traffic experienced by the station.

The boardroom, administration offices and amenities are expected to be next.

The staff require better functional facilities to conduct their day-to-day activities, and members of the public require more accessible sinks to wash their hands after having their fingerprints taken for security clearance certificates.

Although the geographical sectors covered by the station are small, the volume of people commuting in and around the Rosebank central business district has increased in recent years.

Renovations to the station to upgrade both its functional and aesthetic aspects is expected to not only improve the working environment for the police officers, but also enable them to better cater to potentially greater numbers of people who may require their services.

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