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Broadway comes to Houghton

HOUGHTON - There is exclusive theatre magic coming to Houghton.

Drama lovers will be excited to know that Foxwood has secured the rights to a series of Broadway shows.

The premiere of The Human Voice, Ingrid Bergman’s tour de force, will be screened in Foxwood Theatre on 20 November.

Variety described Bergman’s performance as “a formidable display of passionate despair, showing a side in her talent not often vouchsafed by the movies”.

The actress plays a middle-aged woman going through a psychological crisis as a love affair ends.

French playwright Jean Cocteau’s one-character drama unfolds in the form of a one-sided telephone conversation in which the woman tries to win back her lover despite her growing suspicion that he is calling from his young fiancé’s home.

The show starts at 8pm, and those who arrive early can enjoy dinner in the garden.

Details: 011 486 0935.

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