
Letter: Hope for the City Of Joburg

Jean Butcher writes:

In the light of so much negative publicity about the City of Joburg, I would like to put the following on record:

  • I reported to Joburg Water that my meter had started to leak very badly. I reported it about noon. At 10am the following morning Joburg Water was already replacing the faulty meter.
  • I requested City Parks to come a prune a jacaranda outside my house. They informed me it would be about six weeks. Almost six weeks to the day they arrived and in about half an hour had done the whole job, interacting with us as to our requirements.
  • I requested Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) to do a repair outside 64 Galway Road. They came and did the job in under six weeks.
  • I requested JRA to repair the pavement outside Park Junior School. After three months they came and have done an amazing job, redoing the entire block on Selkirk Road.

These are a few instances where I cannot complain about the service I received. In every case the people who were sent to do the work were unfailingly charming and efficient.

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