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Love Greenside campaign launched

GREENSIDE - The Greenside Residents' Association has partnered with the Greenside Design Centre in an effort to rebrand the suburb.

The two parties invited neighbouring suburbs residents’ associations and Greenside community members to the launch the campaign, which proposes to bring forth creative and cultural changes to enhance the suburb on 12 August.

Des Laubscher of the Greenside Design Centre, and a member of the Greenside Business Association, presented ideas developed by a group of the centre’s former students.

Chairperson of the Greenside Residents’ Association, Carol Millard, said the association was looking not only to rebrand the suburb but also to get other residents to start loving their community again – to “Love Greenside”.

“The suburb has its problems, but just like any other suburb, we need to focus on getting people to start walking in the suburb, learning about the history of Greenside and appreciating what the place has to offer,” she said.

With the residents’ association looking to move some of their parking to Pirates Rugby Club, the issue became one of the contentious on the night.

Philippa Robinson and Natalie Zimmelman, from the Parkhurst Residents and Business Owners Association, were in attendance at the meeting and pointed out that their suburb was also looking to use the Pirates Rugby Club parking to alleviate parking on 4th Avenue.

Although both parties were looking to use the club, on the night no representative from the club was present to respond to queries.

Residents are invited to attend the next presentation on 19 August where issues such the upcoming Heritage Day Designer Craft Imbizo and possible developments at Sir Lionel Phillips Park will be discussed.

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